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How to prepare for your teacher training interview

If you have made it over the first hurdle and have been invited for an interview follow our tips on how to prepare for a successful interview.

1. What qualities will you bring to teaching

Think of the qualities you will bring to teaching from education or previous work experience and how they can be transferred into the classroom.

2. Research the education sector

Research the education sector by staying up to date with the lates education news and what issues the sector faces. It also pays to research the phase of education your applying for. If you are an overseas applicant research the UK education system.

3.Passion for your subject

All teacher training providers look for applicants who are passionate about their subject and the phase they wish to teach. How are you going the inspire your students with you subject knowledge. Think about why you want to teach the subject/phase and why it's important.

4. Transferrable skills

A lot of work backgrounds can give you skills which can be transferred to teaching, for example teamwork, communication skills or working with young people. Just remember to make the link to teaching clear.

5. Be prepared for more than just the formal interview

Your interview invitation will mention what else to expect from the interview day. Activities that may be included are teaching tasks in front of groups or even whole classes of children, presentation tasks to a panel of children, written tasks, group tasks etc.

6. The basics

The teacher training course is a professional course and we excpect applicants to behave professionally. Be on time, dress smartly and speak clearly. Watch out for common pitfalls in your interview, for example saying 'like' or 'you know' in every sentence. 

If you are unable to attend your interview please let us know and we may be able to offer an alternative interview date.

7. More tips

For more tips for a successful interview please see the links below

Teacher Training Interview - How to prepare (

Preparing for your teacher training interview (

We hope you found these tips useful and wish you good luck for your interview!

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